Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
1. Councillor Alan Jones: Derbyshire County Council.
2. Acting Sergeant Proudler: Derbyshire Constabulary.
3. D. Buchanan: Newton Solney Parish Council.
4. S. Ellis: Newton Solney Parish Council.
5. S.M. Evans: Repton Parish Council.
6. R. Statham: Woodville Parish Council.
7. P. Ricketts: Willington Parish Council.
8. J. Short: Repton Parish Council.
9. P. Court: Repton Parish Council.
10. R. Paulson: Repton Parish Council.
11. Mr. & Mrs. Cownie.
12. M. Shell.
13. A. Atkin.
14. N. Cummings.
15. L. Woolsey.
16. M. Groom.
17. A. Mayger: Repton Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.
18. A. Gillespie.
19. P. Pearson.
20. G. Varty.
21. A. Gifford.
22. J. Orme.
23. P. Faulkner.
24. J. Skipper.
25. C. Kitching.
26. K. Vincent.
27. B. Young.
28. M. Chell.
29. S.M. Smith.
30. L. Ramsay: South Derbyshire CVS.