Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
1. Councillor William Routledge: Derbyshire County Council.
2. Inspector Hargreaves: Derbyshire Constabulary.
3. W.P.C. Fearn: Derbyshire Constabulary.
4. P.C. Holmes: Derbyshire Constabulary.
5. I. Bambrick.
6. P. Bambrick.
7. M. Coulson.
8. G. Hall.
9. G. Harrison.
10. P. Holden.
11. R. Holden.
12. R. House.
13. R. Howes.
14. R. Hughes.
15. C. Maddock.
16. D. Mansfield.
17. B. Marsden.
18. G. Myatt.
19. K. Parker.
20. W. Parker.
21. M. Richards.
22. D. Tagg.
23. V. Thornley.
24. E. Tunnicliffe.
25. B. Woods.