Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
1. Councillor Mrs. Kathryn Lauro.
2. D. Rider: South Derbyshire CVS.
3. B. Laxton: Castle Gresley Parish Council.
4. J. Blythe: Linton Parish Council.
5. S. Lee: Linton Parish Council.
6. F. Edwards: Overseal Parish Council.
7. C. Taylor: Walton-on-Trent Parish Council.
8. D. Eaton: Cauldwell Parish Meeting.
9. J. Bodell.
10. K. Dennis.
11. P. Ellis.
12. S. Elson.
13. Dr. T. Elson.
14. R. Palmer.
15. P. Seeley.
16. P. Smith.
17. D. Woolley.