Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
1. R. Hughes.
2. G. Hall.
3. M. Biddle.
4. A. Biddle.
5. Councillor Mike Lacey: Derbyshire County Council.
6. Mrs. J. Pallett: Castel Gresley Parish Council.
7. Mr. O. Pallett.
8. C. Paling.
9. M. Perry.
10. P. Emmott.
11. Mr. E. Tunnicliffe.
12. R. Holden.
13. Mrs. Dunn.
14. C. Maddock.
15. D. Budworth.
16. Councillor Mrs. Christine Gillespie: South Derbyshire District Council.
17. Mr. R. House.
18. Mr. R. Middleton.
19. Mrs. P. Bambrick.
20. Mrs. Richards.
21. Mr. R. Bancroft.
22. Councillor Pat Murray: South Derbyshire District Council.
23. Councillor Mrs. Heather Wheeler: South Derbyshire District Council.