Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
1. M Pateman: Dalbury Lees Parish Council.
2. J Drake: Dalbury Lees Parish Council.
3. M Nesbitt: Egginton Parish Council.
4. Mrs. B Cowley: Egginton Parish Council.
5. C Hall.
6. Mr. N Ireland: Etwall Parish Council.
7. Mr. B Payton: Etwall Parish Council.
8. Mr. I Bennett: Etwall Parish Council.
9. Mr. D Muller: Etwall Parish Council.
10. Mr. S Cooper: Hilton Parish Council.
11. Mrs. S Jolly.
12. Mrs. J Parkinson.
13. Mr. G Wale.
14. Mr. T Beresford: Foston & Scropton Parish Council.
15. Mr. R Brooks: Hatton Parish Council.
16. Mr T Moore.
17. Mr M Cordon.
18. C. Hobson.
19. Mrs. D.E. Tagg.
20. Mrs. M. Hilton.
21. M. Robinson.
22. Mrs. P. Bambrick.
23. Mr. R. House.
24. Mr. G. Hall.
25. Mr. P. Smith.
26. Mr. B. Woods.