Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
1. Councillor Mrs. Margaret Littlejohn: Derbyshire County Council.
2. H. Thornton: Burnaston Parish Council.
3. N. Ireland: Etwall Parish Council.
4. D. Parkinson: Etwall Parish Council.
5. I. Smith: Etwall Parish Council.
6. S. Bell: Findern Parish Council.
7. T. Beresford: Foston & Scropton Parish Council.
8. C. Buckston: Sutton-on-the-Hill Parish Meeting.
9. R. Alton.
10. S. Alton.
11. G. Banton.
12. P. Black.
13. M. Bowes.
14. B. Cowley.
15. M. Cramp.
16. C. Green.
17. Mr. & Mrs. G. Green.
18. K. Green.
19. H. Hague.
20. G. Jolly.
21. S. Jolly.
22. N. Lee.
23. A. Mitchell.
24. C. Simpson.
25. B. Smedley.
26. J. Walton.
27. G. Wale.
28. D. Wooliscroft.