Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
1. Councillor John Harrison: Derbyshire County Council.
2. F. Mitchell: Elvaston Parish Council.
3. L. South: Smisby Parish Council.
4. I. Baker: Stenson Fields Parish Council.
5. V. Shaw: Weston-on-Trent Parish Council.
6. Sergeant M. Gahagan: Derbyshire Constabulary.
7. Councillor Barrie Whyman M.B.E.: East Midlands Airport.
8. N. Robinson: East Midlands Airport.
9. F. Briggs.
10. M. Briggs.
11. R. Dennis.
12. K. Cleghorn.
13. P. Heap.
14. K. Hewell.
15. S. Madeley.
16. P. Watson.
17. A. Williams.