Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
1. Councillor Sean Bambrick: Derbyshire County Council.
2. Councillor Mrs. Kathryn Lauro.
3. G. Edwards: Overseal Parish Council.
4. Dr. D. Eaton: Cauldwell Parish Meeting.
5. Dr. T. Elson: Walton-on-Trent Parish Council.
6. S. Jackson: Castle Gresley Parish Council.
7. G. Knight: Overseal Parish Council.
8. V. Taylor: Walton-on-Trent Parish Council.
9. Acting Inspector Julie White: Derbyshire Constabulary.
10. R. Bull.
11. J. Howell: South Derbyshire CVS.
12. K. Fieldhouse.
13. S. Oliver.
14. W. Taylor.
15. P. Bambrick.