Standard Items
Apologies and to note any Substitutes appointed for the Meeting.
To note any declarations of interest arising from any items on the Agenda
To receive any questions by members of the public pursuant to Council Procedure Rule No.10.
To receive any questions by Members of the Council pursuant to Council procedure Rule No. 11.
Exempt Standard Items
The Chairman may therefore move:-
That in accordance with Section 100 (A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the Meeting as it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that there would be disclosed exempt information as defined in the paragraph of Part I of the Schedule 12A of the Act indicated in the header to each report on the Agenda.
Exempt Item
To receive any Exempt questions by Members of the Council pursuant to Council procedure Rule No. 11.
- See agenda for reasons for exemption
Parklife Leaflet
- See agenda for reasons for exemption
Open Decision Notice
Exempt Decision Notice
- See agenda for reasons for exemption
Exempt Minutes
- See agenda for reasons for exemption
Declarations of Interests
Councillor Dr. Hilary Coyle | Item 6 | Interest declared in relation to grants to voluntary bodies element by virtue of being on the board of trustees for Sharpe’s Pottery Heritage & Arts Trust Ltd. | Personal | Advisory |
Councillor Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth (Beth) Hall | Item 6 | Interest declared in relation to grants to voluntary bodies element by virtue of being on the board of trustees for South Derbyshire CVS and Community Arts Project (“People Express”) Management Committee. | Personal | Advisory |
Councillor Jim Hewlett | Item 6 | Interest declared in relation to grants to voluntary bodies element by virtue of being on the board of trustees for the Citizens Advice South Derbyshire and Derby (CASDAD). | Personal | Advisory |
Councillor David Shepherd | Item 6 | Interest declared in relation to grants to voluntary bodies element by virtue of being on the board of trustees for the Citizens Advice South Derbyshire and Derby (CASDAD). | Personal | Abstained from the vote |
Councillor Peter Smith | Item 6 | Interest declared in relation to grants to voluntary bodies element by virtue of being a Homestart trustee | Personal | Advisory |
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