Declarations of Interests
No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.
1. Sergeant A. Wright: Derbyshire Constabulary.
2. J. Burley: Hartshorne Parish Council.
3. D.E. Jenkinson: Hartshorne Parish Council.
4. A. Sherratt: Hartshorne Parish Council.
5. D. Tagg: Hartshorne Parish Council.
6. R.` Paulson: Repton Parish Council.
7. N. Cumming.
8. R.G. Fairbrother.
9. R. Frudle.
10. H.D. Harris.
11. D. Hartwell.
12. D. Hawkins.
13. D. Hindley: South Derbyshire CVS.
14. C. Manifold.
15. J. Orme.
16. A. Symonds.
17. P. Yates.